During my last two recent visits to the place, I noticed there were quite a number of this species ranging in a grassy area at Sto. Tomas (La Union).
In the late afternoon, a few individuals do their courtship flight - partially hovering and ascending to as high as 25 to 30 meters while singing. Most of the previous courtship flights I saw were either at a great distance, or the direction of light was unfavorable.
This Sunday afternoon, I returned to the area to check out the Sand Martins and the Eurasian Hobby. My two birds of interest were a no-show, but one Oriental Skylark did its courtship flight at a relatively near distance. And it did this spectacular show while illuminated by the golden light of the 4:33 pm sun. It was a pure luck that I got to see this behavior up close. I'm glad that my manual exposure settings were on the dot and the BIF gear did its AF job well.
Oriental Skylark (Alauda gulgula, resident)
Habitat - Uncommon in open country on the ground.
Habitat - Uncommon in open country on the ground.
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