A sunflower bloom ends it daylight hours pointed to the east and spends the night in that orientation, ready to absorb the first beams of sunlight on the next morning.
Meantime, the bloom is oblivious (or at least it seems to be) to a lightning storm raging to the south, the bolts illuminating the night sky like a giant camera flash going off intermittently.
Shooting info - Bued River, Rosario, La Union, Philippines, July 22, 2020, Sony RX10 IV, 20.50 mm (56.0 mm equiv.),
f/3.2, ISO 100, 30 sec, manual focus, manual exposure in available light, Uniqball UBH45/455B support, major crop resized to 800 x 533.
f/3.2, ISO 100, 30 sec, manual focus, manual exposure in available light, Uniqball UBH45/455B support, major crop resized to 800 x 533.