Red-keeled Flowerpecker (Dicaeum australe, a Philippine endemic)
Habitat - Canopy of forest, edge and flowering trees.
Size - 4 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on November 28, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual focus, manual exposure in available light, recorded
and processed at 4K/29.97p.
Habitat – Open country, second growth, mangroves and even in residential
Size - 4.00 inches total length
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on November 15, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Habitat - Uncommon in parks, residential areas and scrub, sometimes in
neighboring ricefields.
Size - 5.50 inches total length
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on November 15, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Habitat - Open country usually associated with water along rivers,
marshes and ricefields.
Size - 11.5 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on November 14, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Habitat - Conspicuously perches in tops of trees in forest, edge and
open areas.
Size - 5.0 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on November 4, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on August 1, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Habitat – Common from grasslands to forest up to 2000 m.
Size - 16.5 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on August 1, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Habitat - From open country to clearings at forest edge up to 1800 m.
Size - 7.50 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on July 25, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
It has been raining in our islands for about a week now. Thanks to the
P1000's long reach, I can still film birds at extreme distances from a
shelter. Here are four species of wild birds filmed under the rain:
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, north Luzon,
Philippines on July 25, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod +
shotgun microphone, manual focus, manual exposure in available light,
recorded and processed at 4K/29.97p.
I was pleasantly surprised to come upon dozens of newly hatched
grasshoppers (nymphs) this morning along the banks of Bued River.
Shooting info - Bued River, northern Philippines, July 11, 2021, Sony
RX10 IV, 220 mm (600 mm equivalent), 4K/29.976p capture, manual focus,
manual exposure in available light, tripod + video head.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Maambal Orchard, Pangasinan,
Philippines on June 23, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod +
shotgun microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and
processed at 4K/29.97p.
Habitat - Common in open country, cultivated areas and gardens.
Size - 8.50 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on June 13, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Asian Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis, resident)
Habitat - Lowlands from second growth to downtown in cities.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on June 6, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on June 6, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Little Ringed-Plover (Charadrius dubius, breeding plumage)
Habitat - Common, from ricefields to river beds.
Size - 6.50 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on April 11, 2021, Sony RX10 IV, fluid head + tripod, manual exposure in
available light, recorded at 1080/119.88p, processed to 1080/23.976p
(10% slow motion).
Habitat: Ricefields, grasslands, gardens and scrub.
Size - 4.25 inches total length
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on April 7, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/29.97p.
Info - filmed in habitat at Maambal Orchard, Pangasinan,
Philippines on February 20, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head +
tripod + shotgun microphone, manual focus, manual exposure in available
light, recorded and processed at 4K/29.97p.
This is most probably the same individual I filmed last February 14, 2021 -, seeing this fellow's misaligned mandibles. The total length of this bird is a mere 4 inches from tip of bill to tip of tail. So, when viewed at 4K in a large screen, its image will be many times life-size.
Red-keeled Flowerpecker (Dicaeum australe, a Philippine endemic)
Habitat - Canopy of forest, edge and flowering trees.
Size - 4 inches total length
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines on February 17, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun microphone, manual focus, manual exposure in available light, 4K/25p.
Habitat – Lowland and montane forest and edge, in understory and canopy.
Size - 5.5 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on February 17, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded and processed
at 4K/25p.
For over a week now, I wasn't motivated enough to sit down and edit the footage of this sandpiper species. I thought it was just a Wood Sandpiper, a very common migratory bird.
Then, during a casual browsing of the clips, I noticed that the bird is way much larger than a Common Sandpiper when the two were caught in the same frame. The CSP is 8 inches in total length, while the WSP is 8.25 inches.
I brought out my Kennedy Guide, and started to examine the new bird's features that are not color related (my color blindness prevents me from discerning color differences). Aside from the larger size, the white eyebrow is very short, hinting that it might be a Green Sandpiper. I then went through one of the footage to see if the tail barring is visible. Voila, the distinct tail barring (which differentiates it from the WSP) can be seen!
This bird is a lifer for me. 😊
(Thanks to Desmond Allen for confirming the ID.)
Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus, migrant)
Habitat - Uncommon in freshwater marshes, particularly in wet drainage
ditches and on the shores of small ponds.
Size - 9.50 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on February 3, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod, manual
exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to
4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Habitat - Common along the shores of wide variety of wetlands.
Size - 8 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on February 7, 2021, Sony RX10 IV, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p,
processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion, 2.4:1 aspect ratio).
Just a brief documentary/record clip of this rare visitor to our
White Wagtail (Motacilla alba, rare migrant)
Habitat - Rare, in open country, ricefields, and pastures on the ground
at all elevations.
Size - 7.50 inches total length
Shooting info - Bued River, Rosario, La Union, February 7, 2021, Sony
RX10 IV + tripod/fluid head + shotgun mic, manual exposure in available
light, 4K/29.97p capture cropped to 1080/23.976p.
Philippine Nightjar (Caprimulgus manillensis, a Philippine endemic)
Habitat - Uncommon in scrub, second growth and pine forest up to 2000 m.
Size - 9.50 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Maambal Orchard, Pangasinan,
Philippines on February 6, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head +
tripod + shotgun microphone, manual focus, manual exposure in available
light, 4K/29.97p.
Red Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica, male)
Habitat - Open country or lawns.
Size - 9 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines on February 4, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Little Ringed-Plover (Charadrius dubius, breeding plumage)
Habitat - Common, from ricefields to river beds.
Size - 6.50 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on February 3, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod, manual
exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to
4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on February 1, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual focus, manual exposure in available light, 4K/29.97p.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 31, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p
and 4K/25p.
Red Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica, resident)
Habitat - Open country or lawns.
Size - 9 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 30, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod, manual
exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to
4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 26, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod, manual
exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to
4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Pied Bushchat (Saxicola caprata, resident, male and female)
Habitat – Drier open country, grasslands and cultivated areas.
Size - 5 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 27, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, 4K/29.97p.
Habitat - Uncommon and sporadic migrant, at canopy of second growth and
more open forest.
Size - 7.50 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 26, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, 4K/29.97p.
Red Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica, resident)
Habitat - Open country or lawns.
Size - 9 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 25, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod, manual
exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to
4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Habitat - Streams and forest roads at all elevations.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines on January 24, 2021, Sony RX10 IV, fluid head + tripod, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion, 2.4:1 aspect ratio).
Habitat - Common in all habitats at all elevations.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 23, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/25p,
processed to 4K/23.976p.
Blue Rock-Thrush (Monticola solitarius, migrant, female)
Habitat - Rocky exposed slopes, road cuts, and along rocky streams and rivers.
Size - 8 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines on January 18, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p, processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Habitat – Lowland and montane forest and edge, in understory and canopy.
Size - 5.5 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 18, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p,
processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Habitat – Lowland and montane forest and edge, in understory and canopy.
Size - 5.5 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 17, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p,
processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Maambal, Pangasinan, Philippines on
January 14, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + Kenko
Realpro ND8 filter, manual focus, manual exposure in available light,
recorded at 4K/29.97p, ambient sound and music added in post.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Maambal, Pangasinan, Philippines on
January 14, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + Kenko
Realpro ND8 filter, manual focus, manual exposure in available light,
recorded at 4K/29.97p, ambient sound and music added in post.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 13, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual focus, manual exposure in available light, 4K/29.97p.
Habitat – Lowland and montane forest and edge, in understory and canopy.
Size - 5.5 inches total length.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 12, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod , manual
focus, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p,
processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Habitat – Clearings, along large streams and rivers, and in open
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 11, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod , manual
focus, manual exposure in available light, recorded at 4K/29.97p,
processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Maambal, Pangasinan, Philippines on
January 9, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + Kenko
Realpro ND8 filter, manual exposure in available light, recorded
at 4K/29.97p, processed to 4K/23.976p (80% slow motion).
Lol, the P1000's long reach almost makes me feel like I'm cheating. This
tiny bird (4-1/2 inches long from tip of long bill to tip of tail) was
singing high up a treetop. I backed up a few steps to make the shooting
angle a bit shallower, yet the camera's extreme zoom was still able to
make the micro subject fill a good portion of the frame. :)
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 5, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, 4K/29.97p.
Habitat - Common in all habitats at all elevations.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 3, 2021, Sony RX10 Mark IV, Uniqball UBH45 + Manfrotto 455B
tripod, manual exposure in available light, 220 mm (600 mm equivalent).
I just got the Nikon Coolpix P1000, to complement my Sony RX10 IV, in
filming wild birds in 4K.
I expect the P1000 to be my tool of choice for distant static birds.
The RX10 IV, with its superior AF and better VQ (given its much larger
sensor), will continue to be my 4K workhorse when 600 mm is enough
reach, or in lower light situations.
Philippine Pygmy Woodpecker (Dendrocopos maculatus, a Philippine
Habitat – Lowland and montane forest and edge, in understory and canopy.
Shooting Info - filmed in habitat at Bued River, La Union, Philippines
on January 5, 2021, Nikon Coolpix P1000, fluid head + tripod + shotgun
microphone, manual exposure in available light, 4K/29.97p.
Just a simple 4K footage of the moon rising over the Cordillera
mountains on January 1, 2021.
Shooting Info - filmed from Bued River, La Union, Philippines on January
1, 2021, Sony RX10 Mark IV, Uniqball UBH45 + Manfrotto 455B tripod,
manual exposure, manual focus, 220 mm (600 mm equivalent), f/4, ISO 100,
1/30 sec, 4K/29.97p capture, processed to 5x normal speed at 2.4:1 aspect