This uncommon, medium size fruit-dove is found in most Philippine islands. It is about 10 inches total length, and is termed near-endemic to the Philippines because it also ranges in an island off the coast of Taiwan.
This individual was feeding in the canopy of a local fig tree at Mt. Makiling when I had the opportunity to photograph it. I had to mount a 2x TC on the Sigmonster to fully fill the frame of the Canon 350D. Before the advent of Live View, focusing manually through the dark viewfinder was quite a challenge.
Black-chinned Fruit-dove (Ptilinopus leclancheri, a near Philippine endemic,
Habitat - Uncommon in forest patches up to 1500 m.
Shooting info - Mt. Makiling, Laguna, January 2, 2007, Canon 350D + Sigmonster
(Sigma 300-800 DG) + Canon 2x II, 1600 mm, f/16, ISO 400, 1/60 sec, manual
exposure in available light, 475B/3421 support, uncropped full frame resized to
1200x800. |